Feb 17

Jalisco – Alberta R&D and Commercialization Program
Posted by Perspect
Integrated Innovation
Innovation … do we need it?
- What is innovation? — “something” that leads to the creation of economic and social value …
- Innovation is a “core business competency” today – necessary to be competitive in a global economy
- Must be aligned to your overarching business strategy (Mission)
- To differentiate must innovate – cant do it on price alone anymore
“Without innovation, companies and societies die”
Anthony William – Coauthor Wikinomics (paraphrased)
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”
Steve Jobs – Apple
Innovation Cycle

What is Integrated Innovation?
- Coordinated application of science and technology – social and business innovation to develop whole solutions to complex challenges.
- There is often risk aversion to adoption of ‘new’ technology – business and social inclusion mitigates this risk
- A collaborative user-centric approach and balance of innovative approaches will significantly enhance adoption and sustainability
A collaborative user-centric approach and balance of innovative approaches will significantly enhance adoption and sustainability

Technology Innovation
- What technologies are necessary to address the problem?
- Can an existing product be modified?
- Is the technology feasible – market ready?
- Is it sustainable, scalable, accessible, affordable?
Social Innovation
- Simply, a social innovation is an idea that works for the public good – address major societal challenges
- Social challenges are seen as innovation opportunities
- Governments and industries see social innovation as a means to reap the potential untapped markets have to offer – enhancing their global competiveness …
- Come from individuals, groups or organizations, and can take place in the for-profit, nonprofit and public sectors
- Jurisdictions / Regions must be able to take solution to scale before impact can become reality…
- MUST involve society in design – citizen centric approach to innovation
Business Innovation

Industry Model
- move into / redefine / create new industries
Revenue Model
- change how we generate revenue – pricing models etc.
Enterprise Model
- change our role in the value chain – by changing our extended enterprise / networks / capability / assets
Alignment to Jalisco / Alberta Program
- As mentioned the program has a large focus on commercialization
- Things judges will be looking for in proponent applications for funding:
- Project can demonstrate a validated customer need
- includes industry collaboration from both jurisdictions
- project identifies business and technological competitive assessments
- project has commercialization goals and strategy
- articulates economic benefit for Jalisco and Alberta (qualitative and quantitative)
- An integrated innovation approach to project development will assist in responding to many of the above and will enhance probability of success
Questions / Discussions
- The Creation of Economic and Corporate Wealth in a Dynamic Economy – IBM Global Business Services, 2008
- Open Innovation The Next Frontier – Henry Chesbrough EIRMA SIG III, 2005-10-20
- Bold Idea for Humanity – Grand Challenges Canada – September 2010
- The Lisbon Council think tank for the 21st Century
- Alberta / Jalisco R&D and Commercialization Program Plan – August 2011
Contact Us
Perspect Management Consulting
Regina, SK